Registration Form



Qualification For Membership

Intending Member(s) must individually complete Membership Application Form and return some with (2) passport photographs and CV. This may be done online @ click Registration Form or visit our office. Prospective Member must possess the following Qualifications PhD, M.Sc, B.Sc, HND (or their equivalent) Professional Diploma or ND.

  • Honorary Fellows?

    Hon. Fellow may be conferred on both on non - members and existing members. it is a recognition for both contributions to social - Economic Development within the Sub - region.

  • This award category is bestowed on Corporate Organization that has made substantial contributions to the Sub - regional Economic Development.

  • To be admitted fellow individual must possess the requisite Qualification with work experience of not less then 15years in both the formal sectors and must also have attained the level of Assistant Director or its equivalent.

  • Similar Qualifications as with fellow but with work experience not less than 10years and must have attained to the level not below Assistant Manager or its equivalent.

  • Same as full Membership but with 7years and above work experience and must attained levels 8, 10 or its equivalent in both the public and private sectors.

  • individuals under this Category with, Diploma but not less than 5years work experience and between levels 7 or their equivalent can progress to the next Category on admission through up grading promotion or passing prescribed examination conducted by wasca.